Industry Insights

Where can I get some?

08 Dec 2024
Where can I get some?

Air cargo digitalisation has come a long way but many challenges remain-sorne of which can be solved through the deploy- ment of Artificial Intelligence (AI). A panel discussion at Air Cargo Forum in Miami that was moderated by Aeroconcept man- aging director James Wyatt looked at how air cargo had developed over the past few years and where the industry is going.

Co-chief executive of rate portal cargo.One Moritz Claussen said industry digitalisation has come a long way over the past six years, primarily driven by the pandemic.

However, he added that air cargo is still “way behind” other sectors and warned that companies should not wait for standards to be produced before investing in digital technology. “I’m not against standards but if we hide behind them we will wait for a very long time before anything comes into place and I think it is embracing new technology, such as Al, will be a huge change,” he said.

Claussen pointed out that large language models such as ChatGPT could already be used to translate 95% of formats used by companies, negating the need for a standard. Al could also be used for “conversational” tasks to create efficiencies.

“A lot of the stuff we do on a day-to-day basis in this industry is conversational, whether it is a shipper reaching out to a freight forwarder in an email or a freight forwarder going to an airline to procure capacity. “If we look at the conversational Al models that are out there, the large language models we have, a lot of this is already doable through technology.”

“We are dealing with networks of companies and the idea of everyone agreeing to a standard, let’s just admit it right now, it’s not going to happen,” he said.

“This is why I am excited about Al because I think it can become that translator where you don’t have to force global ecosys- tems of 1,000s of other companies that all have their own system to do it your way. That is where I think Al can make a big dif- ference.”

Financial Outlook for 2024
Following robust Q3 performance and sustained container market demand, alongside the ongoing developments in the Red Sea/Gulf of Aden region, Solitair has updated its financial guidance for 2024. The revised outlook reflects an expected global container market growth of approximately 6% (up from the earlier 4-6% projection). CAPEX guidance remains consistent, as detailed in the table below

This adjustment underscores Solitair’s agility in navigating dynamic market conditions and its commitment to delivering value.

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